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May 2 2017, MMS Finishes 2nd at Idaho X Rocks Season Opener
  • May 2 2017, MMS Finishes 2nd at Idaho X Rocks Season Opener
  • May 2 2017, MMS Finishes 2nd at Idaho X Rocks Season Opener
  • May 2 2017, MMS Finishes 2nd at Idaho X Rocks Season Opener
  • May 2 2017, MMS Finishes 2nd at Idaho X Rocks Season Opener
  • May 2 2017, MMS Finishes 2nd at Idaho X Rocks Season Opener
  • May 2 2017, MMS Finishes 2nd at Idaho X Rocks Season Opener
  • May 2 2017, MMS Finishes 2nd at Idaho X Rocks Season Opener

May 2 2017, MMS Finishes 2nd at Idaho X Rocks Season Opener


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Just wanted to throw out a quick write up about this weekend's Idaho X rocks event. As usual we had a great time at Tate Elquist and Todd Young event. If you have ever thought about going to one of their events, you should it's family oriented, camping type atmosphere and the courses are challenging.
I decided to try unlimited class and use rear steering for the first time. My good friend Chad Martin decided he would spot me and see how would we would fare. Oddly enough we never used rear steering except the last course but finished 2nd. Jesse Haines is the rear steering KING and beat us but we tried to keep pressure on Jesse both days.

Anyways it was a hell of a good time and I want to thank Chad Martin for spotting, Michael J Plunkett for coming out and taking killer photos, my family, and all my sponsors.

Axial Racing #axialracing
RCV Performance Productss #strongestaxlesontheplanet
Pro Comp #procompusa #teamprocomp #extrememt2
Maximum Transmissions #maximumtransmissions 
Bulldog Winch Co-Llc #bulldogwinch
ORI Struts #oristruts
Yukon Gear & Axle #yukongearandaxle
Branik Motorsports #branikmotorsports
Jesse Haines #jessehainesfabrication
Idaho X Rocks
Albiniano Family clown posse!

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 02 May, 2017.