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October 23rd, 2013 Norcal Season Champions!!!

October 23rd, 2013 Norcal Season Champions!!!


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10-23-13, Reno, nv
What a wild weekend.
The 2013 norcal season finally was a roller coaster for our team. In practice we didn't even make it half way around the track before the clevis to the brake pedal snapped leaving us with no brakes.That ended practice for us. Thanks to the Gomez team, Don Arter, and Ruffstuff for the help.
The first heat we were lined up dead last and had to work our way through the pack. By the first rock section we were in 3rd! The changes we had made for this event really put the power to the ground and the car was extremely fast. We caught the faravattis at the end of the first lap and were attempting to pass senior when i gave him a love tap that ended up breaking off the hose on the steering ram. With No steering, we drove it off course. UGGHHH.
The second heat was not much better for us. Again, we were lined up at the back of the pack and would have to charge through again. When we hit the first rock section the brake pedal just went to the floor. I wasn't sure what was wrong, but as soon as we got on power I noticed the brakes were completely locked up. We finished the first lap with the brakes smoking like crazy. Bernie jumped out and the crew went to work to fix it. We lost a lap on the leaders before they got it fixed. To save time, Bernie choose to stay out of the car and let me GO FOR IT! Being a little upset at our bad luck, I really pushed the car hard and Im not sure where I finished. The manufacturer had put the wrong retaining washer in the master cylinder which was causing all of our issues. Who would have thought?
All the earlier problems lined us up 17th in the main. We had to work our way to the front AGAIN. In the first turn we had jumped a few spots when the unfortunate BUMP occurred. Im still not really sure what to think about it after watching the video? Either way, we were bent in more ways than one. Our helmets were filled with dirt and we couldn't see a thing.
I was however FIRED UP and on a mission. About a quarter through the lap Bernie mentioned seeing stars, the roof is bent, and the buggy felt funny. I was a little rattled and making passes so I didn't notice it to much at first. One thing was for sure is that the buggy kept drifting out hard on right hand turns and we were both puzzled by it.
Pass after pass we picked off cars and finished in 2nd place twenty seconds behind 1st. I am VERY PROUD to say "We are the 2013 Norcal Rock Racing Season Champions!"

The learning lessons of the year have made the buggy faster, and as a team we are much better. It was said that we were not the fastest in races past and did not really earn our other 2 wins. This race we absolutely did both!

We had a great time at the norcal race and after party (I think). I love the camaraderie of the other drivers, and really look forward to another season with John goodby and his great crew. They are top notch and Norcal is always one of our favorite races.
The other funny thing worth mentioning is on Sunday morning we were putting the bomber on the truck and the front end was not working. We realized we had blown an axle shaft or spool in the rollover and were racing in 3 wheel drive the entire race! The crazy drifting out, and issues in the rocks all of a sudden made perfect sense!
Huge thanks to my sponsors, friends, and family that supported us all year long!
Bernie Dittrich, The best co-driver and friend you could ask for!
Angela Hallenbeck, Josh King, and Chris Kathrein.
Rugged Radios
RCV Performance
Maximum offroad transmissions 
KING shocks
ATX Racing wheels
Trail Gear
Bomber Fabrication
See you all at Hammers!

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 23 October, 2013.